Bjørn Jørund Blikstad is educated in furniture design and likes to work with storage concepts, comparing the mental storage capacity. Degreed in 2009 from Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway, his first discovery was Imeüble. Bjørn Jørund Blikstad, with the mind and sketchbook of a young designer, was tired of traditional shelving options and wanted to discover what happens when utility and design collide.
‘I was intrigued by the concept of a link between the storage inside and outside our minds. An idea that our memory functions are spatial, like when you’re reading a book, spatial images occur of scenes and characters. It’s that transition from the two dimensional to a feeling of three dimensions that is very fascinating.’
With Imeuble, Blikstad has achieved an incredible and engaging representation of that transition of memory from 2D to 3D that not only looks beautiful but also functionable. The modular shelving unit made of axiometric cubes that appear flat in photographs and from a distance, but reveal their depth as you approach. ‘Almost no one gets it until they physically see it,’ says Blikstad. ‘I’m interested in storage. Everyone wants to make beautiful chairs, but there hasn’t been that much innovation in ways of storing things.’
With this project he wan a Wallpaper* cover story and also the award for design excellence by The Norwegian Design Council for the very best of innovative solutions. Every year The Norwegian Design Council acknowledges the very best of innovative solutions, developed by companies and designers, through the annual Award for Design Excellence. Imeuble was around of many tongues at the Stockholm furniture fair, soon followed by being customized for Architects offices, Institutions and designer hotel lobbies in many different countries.
His work also makes part of the “By” Corporation. It’s main goal is to challenge the mind and take Scandinavian design to an iconic level around the world. “By” finds the best up coming designers and products from Norway and surrounding countries. They only take a very select few designs into the prototype and production stage and each one must share the same single quality, that is the ability to shake the design world.
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