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Contemporary Gallery * + Coletivo Amor de Madre


The union between culture, art and design led to the Colectivo Amor de Madre, contemporary space facing the creation, production and sale of works of art and design.

The Colectivo Amor de Madre structure in collaborative trend, uniting new designers and renowned artists of different elements in order to encourage artistic production internationally and promote an exchange between artists and design brands around the world.




Amor.Art is a virtual store of Colectivo Amor de Madre. The proposal of Amor.Art is make design accessible to those who are geographically distant from the Colectivo Amor de Madre.

All products are selected with great care, especially for the online environment, but following the proposal of the brand to bring more love and joy to your day to day from everyday objects. Objects from collections like Royal Mahuida, Tarrugao, or pieces from Vilu Light GT2P Studio are some of the pieces that we can see on the exhibition.




The collective has an exhibition space in Sao Paulo, which organized several exhibitions of contemporary art, furniture, and art object in Rua Estados Unidos, 2174 01427-002 São Paulo, Brasil.



Find out when you can see pieces from + Coletivo Amor de Madre Gallery.


(Visited 384 times, 1 visits today)

Gazelly Contemporary Gallery * London

Designart Gallery * Victor Hunt

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