Exploring the language of Flowers is a project created by two talents photographers. The photographic duo Barbara Metz and Eve Racine, have turned their talents to flowers with their latest personal project, a limited-edition book titled Flowers/ Together Pt. 1, designed by Mototake Makishima and made in collaboration with set designers they have met through their work.
For the first part of what will become a series, Metz and Racine invited set designers to create still life compositions interpreting the theme of flowers, which they then photographed, spending a day with each designer to work on the shoot.
As the resulting pictures prove, the floral subject still has plenty to give. As Liam Hess writes in the publication forward, flowers symbolize ‘the deepest sadness love and the deepest sadness’, and the images run the gamut of emotions and aesthetics, from sleek to messy, starkly minimal to playful maximalist.
Flowers / Together Pt.1, as the title suggests, is also as much a rumination of the power of creative collaboration. No one vision is dominant here; there’s space for all perspectives, and put together, they can create something beautiful. That, for Metz and Racine, is a vital message for our times.
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