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Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso – Maison et Objet 2017

Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet Paris 2017

Iratzoki Lizaso, a lesson in mid-century furniture at Maison et Objet 2017.

When we talk about mid century furniture we need to remember the importance of simplicity and form with a touch of an organic component. It’s a way to understand a necessity and bring people together with an object that has the purpose to connect with its form.

Iratzoki Lizaso, it’s an industrial design studio founded by Jean Louis Iratzoki and Ander Lizaso and their objective is to enhance emotion and affection with their work. This is a motto and reminder that represent their team.

See more work from Iratzoki Lizaso

This year, at Maison et Objet, Iratzoki Lizaso surprised us with an example of utility filled with passion and good taste. This modular held working tables for all define a new kind of environment workspace, all we need to enhance a working activity is reflected in this kind of table, regarding a modular space we can achieve a safe and organized space fill with all the tools to take our work to the next level, we can even attach a lamp to this amazing table!

Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet Paris 2017 Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet Paris 2017 Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet Paris 2017 Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet 2017 Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet 2017

Other works from Iratzoki Lizaso display some contemporary features with a constant reminder of Mid Century believes and extraordinary feeling.

Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet 2017Kuskoa Bi Armchair

Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet 2017Duffle Sofa


Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet 2017Klik Chair

Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet 2017Hiruki Chair

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