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Kristoffer Moth shapes of ligth

Shaping light like no other, Kristoffer Moth is a motion artist and you probably already jam in some festival by his visuals. Meet the Copenhagen-based CGI and visual artist who works with still and moving image.

Oh yeah, Kristoffer is talented, creative, and musical. Yes, music. We found him on SoundCloud and we can be sure that he is a man of many talents.
From installations to music videos. Real-Time generated Live visuals for Sekuoia’s performance at Pumpehuset in Copenhagen, as part of Red Bull Sound Select.
Also, the brand ASICS notices the artist.

Giving dimensions to colors and forms, in a speculative piece of visual research for Taupe Magazine, Kristoffer Moth has designed generative works that present new possibilities. “We wanted to convey the same raw and unfiltered emotions concerning color and form that we got from the brief,” Moth explains to the magazine  “Accepting the experimental nature and not being shy of rough edges. This mindset led to the construction of the digital setups and the implementation of the sound [by Raehan Sarjoe] – coming to terms with two types of media reacting to each other, letting the motions and sounds dictate the final pieces, and accepting the creation and mixing happening without us being able to control it completely.”

In 2019 he co-founded Optika Studio, a Copenhagen-based CG and interaction design studio working with multi-disciplinary concepts focusing on next-generation technologies.

As a collective of creative minds, they work with 3D Animations, art installations, visual concepts, spatial- and lighting design, live visuals, and more. For many, the small studio can seem too young but the diverse team of technical and creative backgrounds can combine a high level of aesthetics and hands-on knowledge with a strong design thinking approach to producing cutting-edge and creative solutions for both smaller and larger clients.

Eyes on the future, but present on the need, their aesthetic is fabulous and worth every penny.

DESIGN GALLERIST will continue to give you fantastic news on the art and design world. Don’t forget to subscribe newsletter to this blog and to follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest.


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The Smiles and Lines of Lewis Osborne

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