This year’s 10th anniversary exhibition will have a special focus on lighting. 100% Norway are thrilled to announce the best and most exciting line up of very best contemporary product and furniture coming out of Norway. Showing many new, visionary lamps, and will also be using the symbolism of bringing the Northern light to the UK and the Sun. This September 100% Norway is bringing the Sun to London. All the way from Tromsø in the North of Norway, this spectacular art installation promises to light up East London like never before!
Here is the video of 100% Norway in London.
Designers Lisa Pacini and Christine Istad envisioned a creative stunning project that would restore illumination to the darkened domain. ‘Sun’ is a circular light sculpture, three meters in diameter, whose glowing chroma slowly variates between a rich scope of warm colors, mimicking the golden sunlight at daytime and deep blush hues as it sets. It’s a large, circular light full of LEDs that slowly changes colour, melting into deep reds and lilacs. The light is exceptionally bright, and when firmly erected on to a pick up truck with wind-breakers and a generator, could actually pass as the sun itself.
Lisa Pacini and Christine drove hundreds of miles with the sun through treacherous conditions on deadly roads to film and to show to people and the reaction from the public was, unsurprisingly, joyous. Something about this enormous light’s warm glow is incredibly soothing, and to see it slowly move across the earth is a rather ethereal experience. The journey has just stretched to the UK, where the lucent round structure became the focal point of the 100% norwayshow opening for london design week on september 19th.
Watch the Sun project.
You can see more artworks at Contemporary Design.