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New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by Jasper Morrison

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

Design Gallerist presents Jasper Morrison and the new installation at VitraHaus.

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

VitraHaus hired British designer Jasper Morrison to do a project in his space in Weil am Rhein, Germany.

See more about Mid Century Furniture here.

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

The Ambient Installation contained a space of 150 square meters in which, in the open space contained studio art, hall and part office, all this thought specifically for a fictitious person.

Read also Hospitality Design by Dorothee Meilichzon.

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

For the realization of the Ambient Installation, Jasper Morrison projected an environment with soft colors and at the same time managed to be daring in the visual that chose for the project, making it cozy and at the same time visually dynamic space.

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

Said by Jasper Morrison, space created to think of abstract artist who does not exhibit his sculptures because no one else is interested in abstract art, so he lives at home with them and occasionally invites people to dinner, to show them his new work.

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by J. Morrison

All products used in the installation can be purchased via Vitra.

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by Jasper Morrison

A particularity of this space is the dining room that brings together pieces made with natural materials, presenting earthy colors to create a visually dynamic space.

New Ambient Installation at VitraHaus by Jasper Morrison

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Flexible Office Space Collection by Iratzoki Lizaso - Maison et Objet 2017

Flexible Office Space by Iratzoki Lizaso – Maison et Objet 2017

Lust Mid-Century Modern Home with mind-blowing Accessories

Lust Mid-Century Modern Home with mind-blowing Accessories

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