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Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae DeTar

Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae DeTar Photography

Shae DeTar grew up between Pennsylvania and New York City. She creates otherworldly nudes photographic prints combining photography and painting.

Otherworldly Nudes

Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae De Tar Photography


DeTar shoots analog and digital photographs and then adds layers of paint to exaggerate color, create texture, and add an element of fantasy to the image.

Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae DeTarOtherworldly Nudes * By Shae DeTar

She’s inspired for supernatural locations and exquisite costumes to create otherworldly nudes photographic prints featuring nudes.

Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae De Tar Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae DeTar

For her latest set of ethereal images, she shot both analog and digital photographs and then added layers of paint to emphasize color, texture and a fantastical element.

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Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae DeTar Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae De TarOtherworldly Nudes

In an interview about her affinity for featuring the female form in her work, DeTar says, “Shooting nudes, I did make a very conscious decision to portray the
in a way where women didn’t feel like a sexualized object. I am so used to the media feeding us objectified, sexualized imagery of what it is that they think a female body means to people, and I’m clearly not alone in desiring to portray women’s bodies in a more powerful way than that.”

Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae DeTar Otherworldly Nudes * By Shae De Tar

Otherworldly Nudes

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