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Ron Arad * The Museum of Modern Art

Consistently inventive and challenging, Ron Arad has studiously avoided categorisation by curators and critics throughout his career. He never wanted a profession as such – whether as architect, product or furniture designer – but his reputation in each of these fields is formidable; as the outsider continually questioning established practices and institutions.


MT Rocker Solid, 2010 Stainless Steel Edition of 6

Among the most influential designers of our time, Ron Arad (Israeli, b. 1951) stands out for his daredevil curiosity about technology and materials and for the versatile nature of his work. Trained at the Jerusalem Academy of Art and at London’s Architectural Association, Arad has produced an outstanding array of innovative objects over the past twenty-five years, from almost unlimited series of objects to carbon fiber armchairs and polyurethane bottle racks.


He has also designed memorable spaces, some plastic and tactile, others ethereal and digital. This exhibition will be the first major retrospective of Arad’s design work in the United States.

Arad relies on the computer and its rapid manufacturing capabilities as much as he relies on the soldering apparatus in his metal workshop.


Installation view of Ron Arad: No Discipline at The Museum of Modern Art. Jason Mandella

His beautiful furniture can even receive and display SMS and Bluetooth messages from mobile phones and Palm Pilots. Idiosyncratic and surprising, and also very beautiful, Arad’s designs communicate the joy of invention, pleasure and humor, and pride in the display of their technical and constructive skills.



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Unique Shelf System * Kenyon Yeh

Marc Newson * Influential Designer and Unique Design

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