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Sculptural Wooden Japanese Heroes * Yusuke Yamamoto

Sculptural Wooden Japanese Heroes * Yusuke Yamamoto

Design Gallerist today present Yusuke Yamamoto, Japanese sculptor born in Osakaç.

Is the author of many works carved in wood and depicting characters of the mythology of his homeland as warriors and monks but also dragons or traditional temples.

Sculptural Wooden Japanese Heroes * Yusuke Yamamoto

See more about Artists and Creators here.

Yamamoto was awakened to the art of sculpture from a very young age, and from his teens he studied underShin Tsutsui and Kyouji Kishida. He has been responsible for handling new sculptures for danjiri (dashi, taikodai, yagura, and jinjabukkaku) in areas all over Japan, as well as participating in large-scale repair.

sculptural wooden japanese heroesSculptural Wooden Japanese Heroes * Yusuke Yamamoto

Introduced to this art since childhood, he later followed studies in this area before starting the Horiyo project in 2010 in order to preserve this ancient practice and expand reputation is beyond the borders of rising Sun. The available rooms are striking by the accuracy of the features and feel of movement Yamamoto arrives to provide them after dozens of hours of hard work.

sculptural wooden japanese heroes

SEE ALSO: 3D Printed Sofa by * Janne Kyttanen
‘HORIYO’ was launched in 2010, with the artist working as the representative.
With a base of strong conviction, the sculptures continue the oral traditions of ancient Japan with innovativeness, and have received attention not only in Japan, but overseas. These sculptures represent Japan making its appeal to the world.

Sculptural Wooden Japanese Heroes * Yusuke Yamamoto

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