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Studio Fabien Cappello – The Playfullness of Colours

Fabien Cappello gives name and life to Studio Fabien Cappello. Founded in 2010 in London is a spacial and furniture firm based in Mexico City since 2016. Introducing his work in different varieties, from commercial objects to specific editions and public environments. All works share a high consideration for both, craft techniques and industrial production, reflecting design through people and their synergies with space, environment and material culture.

Fabien Cappello born in France in 1984, He studied at the University of Art and Design (ECAL) in Lausanne, Switzerland and in 2009 obtained a Master’s degree in Design Products at the Royal College of Art of London under the tutelage of Martino Gamper and Jurgen Bey. He is now a furniture and product designer.

Always joy and playful with a pinch of retro vibe, his colours are block and vibrant taking us to a fun and almost innocent feeling.

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Eyes as Big as Plates – We all belong here

Riso Chan- “Is this love that you are feeling?”

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