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Venus Mansion, the surreal dream world of Lee Sol

March 28, 2018

Venus Mansion is the surreal dream world created by the korean interior designer Lee Sol. Lee trough out his artistic process explores how the personal emotions can influence the space.

Venus Mansion

There is more than one way to get inspiration for Venus Mansion, Lee Sol gets inspired by all sorts of occasions throughout his day-to-day life — when listening to music, enjoying an exhibition, and even by his surroundings that brings back forgotten feelings or memories.

Venus Mansion

In 2014, Lee has begun the project of Venus Mansion, that embodies surreal scenes with ancient sculptures and random objects.
In order to create his surreal world, the artistic process became a investigation of personal emotions and how that can affect the space. Not assuming the function of certain object and the space by their original form, he puts them thought the process by expressing his own world into visual scenes.

Venus Mansion

The use of Michelangelo’s David and Venus de Milo images in this surreal world comes from the respect Lee Sol has towards Renaissance Art and the delicate nature of ancient Greek Art, but most of wall from the desire to redefining their meaning according to his personal viewpoint.

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